Saturday, November 14, 2015

How ProcessPad is impacting our customers' internal work processes?

Many times our potential customers are willing to try new technologies or solutions but are hesitant in doing so and leans more towards traditional known names/solutions or choosing not to have any solution at all. We primarily owe this to their prior experience:
  • with bad products
  • with apprehensions about poor user adaptability and adopt-ability
  • with inflexibility of systems that cannot blend easily with local floor level work processes
Since Simplyfeye is a new company with our new process data management platform ProcessPad, from the onset we keep a close eye on the usability of our software deep within the customer organisation. Like any other enterprise related B2B sales people who made the buying decision are mostly not the end users. This makes it very hard to get correct user feedback and assess the level of engagement, impact and traction that our tool is getting via assimilation with organizations' internal work processes. However, we are really glad to present a nice graphic below which we created after our deep engagements with one of our customer (at all levels of the customer organization) and understanding the impact ProcessPad is having in their internal work processes. 

The graphic shows the key work processes within each core work function where ProcessPad is having a positive impact after its introduction into the organization. We are really happy to learn that it has been utilized and appreciated by all core work functions within the biopharmaceutical organization and have been used in ways that we never intended it to be utilized initially (we originally designed the system focusing primarily on Process Monitoring and Continued Process Verification). Simplyfeye team strives to continually evolve the ProcessPad platform with the help these continuous customer engagements.

© 2015 Simplyfeye       |         |

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