Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Simplyfeye presenting at Windshire Seminar in Cambridge, MA

Getting the Most Out of Your Process Data: 
Techniques for Data Acquisition and Analysis and  
Why It is Important

The Windshire Group, LLC and Ops2Data, LLC proudly invite you to a symposium featuring presentations from two prominent industry experts (see profiles below) speaking on Process Data Analytics and Ongoing Process Verification, followed by a roundtable discussion.

Attendees also will benefit from networking with their peers.

A complimentary Continental breakfast and will be included with your free registration.

When:       Thursday, June 25, 2015
Where:      The Seminar Room
Athenaeum Center
215 First Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

8:00 a.m.                       Continental Breakfast / Networking
8:30-11:00 a.m.           Seminar and Roundtable Discussion

How:         RSVP  by or 1-844-686-5750, ext. 102
                   with number of people attending

Presentations by: 

James Blackwell, Ph.D., M.B.A.
President, The Windshire Group, LLC
Biopharmaceutical, Medical Device, & Cell Therapy
Comprehensive CMC Consultingtm Services

A prominent industry consultant with broad technical and quality experience encompassing early process development to commercial operations for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical including monoclonal antibodies, parenterals, vaccines, recombinant proteins, oral dosage forms, peptides, antibiotics, medical devices, and cell therapy products. Dr. Blackwell is a member of ISPE, RAPS, PDA, and AAPS and has graduate training in chemical engineering, microbiology, and business and technology management.

For more information about The Windshire Group please go to our website at

Anshuman Bansal
Founder, Simplyfeye 

Mr. Bansal is a leading expert on process analytics. Simplyfeye provides manufacturing intelligence solutions for bioprocess scientists and engineers and empower them with contextual information for making better, faster data driven decisions.

For more information about Simplyfeye please visit their website at

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